Angela Poling
213 Inverness Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262 (817) 832-1350
Entry-level elementary school teacher where I can use my positive attitude and passion for teaching to lead students into a love for learning.
Tarrant County College, Northeast Campus, Hurst, TX
AA in Elementary Education
Expected date of graduation: 12/2016
Town of Trophy Club Summer Camp (06/2015-Present)
Assistant Camp Director
Coordinate daily activities for children ages 6-12, including gym activities, outdoor activities, classroom activities, and field trips.
Interact with children during activities and participate with them during craft time, gym time, and game time.
Manage administrative and behavioral issues, including discussing behavioral or other issues with parents.
Town of Trophy Club Summer Camp (06/2013-08/2015)
Camp Counselor
Monitored daily activities of the camp.
Managed minor behavior issues.
Peer Assistance and Leadership Program (PALs)-Northwest ISD (08/2013-06/2015)
Elementary school mentor
Mentored elementary school students and provided assistance with school work
Awards and Achievements
Vice President of PALs
Coordinated volunteer activities and fundraisers for the entire PAL program, which consisted of over thirty members.
Available upon request